Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas is almost here!!

I can't believe it is almost Christmas! This year is flying by. Please don't forget to practice over the break. When you are in the car, ask you child questions about what is going on around them. Start with questions that begin with what, like "what do you see outside?" or "what is your favorite color?", and let that lead your conversation. You never know what you can learn from or about your child and it will help enrich their language skills. Don't forget to read with or to them over the break, as well. Reading build language skills, also!!! Merry Christmas to you all!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Don't forget to practice over the break!!

We are getting ready to have a week long break at Thanksgiving and I wanted to remind you to pracrice with you child during that time. Many times, you are familiar with your child's speech and know what they are saying, but I encourage you to remind them occasionally to produce their sounds correctly. Your child should know the sounds they are working on in speech, but if they are not sure please email me or call and I will be happy to let you know.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Ideas for sound production

I use lots of different things to help your child produce their sounds correctly. Many children do well when you place a mirror in front of them ( when they quit making faces at themselves :) ). I remind them to remember where their tongue should be. When I am saying the word to the child with the correct sound production, I try to draw attention to the sound they have in error. Don't pressure them to make the sound perfect. Have them practice with you, but don't continue to drill them if they produce it incorrectly. Just making them aware of their errors is the first step. Thanks for your help at home!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Practice, practice, practice

I just want to remind all of you to practice with your child at home. Your child will make more progress if you are practicing at home. I cannot stress to you enough how important this is. If you are not sure what to do with your child, please feel free to call me or email me at for some ideas.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Times are scheduled

I hope everyone received a letter from me telling the days and times of your child's speech therapy. If you did not, please feel free to call me and I can share that information with you over the phone. I hope everyone is enjoying the 4 day weekend and we will be ready to work on Wednesday!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Here come the Troops

We found out on Friday that the State Department of Education will be coming the week of September 21, 2009 to monitor our Special Education Program. They will look at our files to ensure that we are doing our paperwork accurately. They will also come into the classrooms, including speech, and make sure that our students are receiving the services that are prescribed for them. Please be patient with me during this time. We don't know what days the State Department will be on campus, but they will be making a visit.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Welcome back!!!

Well, the first 3 days are complete and I think things are shaping up nicely. I will be continuing to work on my schedule this week and will let parents know as soon as it is complete. As always, my schedule is a work in progress and is always changing, but the first version should be complete this week. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions about your child's speech. Remember we are working together for the benefit of your child!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

School is coming!!

School starts Wednesday, August 19, 2009. Traffic will be different this year due to the addition of new bus lanes. Be sure to check with the Primary office to determine where drop off point will be for your child.